Monthly Archives: January 2023

Duh. Sorry Mom!


God can change the season. Everything in my body says “Duh.” I feel my mom’s not-so-ecstatic glare even as I type this. She hated that word with the fiery passion of Hades itself. I would spout that syllable, albeit drawn out for emphasis, to both her and to my younger brother. It was used in situations where I already knew what was going on or to show how ignorant someone was acting. I never gave any thought to how condescending it was until I gave birth to my 2 blessings. They’re not allowed to say it either, Mom. 

There are different seasons in our lives and I feel like I want God to change it more often than not. Why? Because I’m not content. Why am I not content? Because I haven’t learned this lesson. Why haven’t I learned this lesson? Because I haven’t been in this current season long enough. (Thanks for trekking with me there. I could feel some of your eyes glazing over like my Pop’s would if I didn’t get to the point soon.) 

Abraham, one of my favorite human beings ever, waited for 24 years to get his son. 24 years. God promised it and he received it. We’ve heard timing is everything and God’s is very different from ours. I shake my head thinking about all the times I’ve thought “Now God, NOW!” like He would “POOF!” something into existence out of a hat. Or change my current situation instantly. Don’t get me wrong, that has happened, multiple times in my life even. And why isn’t that enough?  

Because God made me a human being, just like Abraham. And just like Sarah ironically enough. I’m not so sure I wouldn’t cackle too when God decided to answer my prayer. I’d be cackling every time my saggy, geriatric body went to pee for the 28th time that day.   

I know that the Creator of the universe has the power to change the seasons, in every respect. Within some seasons, we as His kids, have to persevere and walk. Faith and character isn’t grown on Easy Street. So, I’m reminding you today, like He did me, that God can change the season you’re in. Maybe He’s the One saying, “Duuuuuuuuuhhhhh” today! (This visual cracks me up. Surely my mom would think it alright if God Himself says it…) 

My prayer for you today is that you look up, from all your hard work, and remember that God has not forgotten about you in this season. There is coming a time when you’ll see His plan come together; and I promise it’s all worth it.